• March 20-23, 2025
  • Lancaster County Convention Center, Lancaster, PA

Cosplay Meetups

Whether you are looking to take photos of people cosplaying from your favorite series or you are a cosplayer looking to take photos with others cosplaying from the same series, Zenkaikon Cosplay Meetups has you covered.

These are the officially scheduled group photoshoots that are open invites for cosplayers, photographers, and fans. These scheduled photoshoots are organized by theme or series.

During the scheduled time, attendees will arrive at the designated location for photo opportunities organized and run by the Host. Please click the link below for the application form if you would like to apply for a Cosplay Meetup as a Host. We’ll have the full schedule published, so you know where and when to show up.

New this year – the Cosplay Meetups room! Due to high demand (and crowded hallways….and colder weather), we’ve designated a Zenkaikon room just for all our cosplay groups to meet and have photos taken should they not want to brave the elements or block con foot traffic! The Cosplay Meetups room is Heritage B located on the convention center’s third floor and conveniently located right next to the Cosplay Repair room in Heritage A.

Click this link to sign up for times and locations!